Prague, Czechia
Prague, a city that was barely bombed in either Great War (except for that one time the Americans accidentally bombed it... seriously). I often describe Prague as the place someone who has never been to a medieval city would describe. Cobbled streets. Castle on a hill. Huge cathedral. Old buildings. Bustling marketplace. Amazing beer. Space clock... wait, what?
Czech. Czech 1, 2. Astronomical Clock from the wrong side.
Having been to Prague a couple of times and stayed in different parts (P1 and P2), I feel like this is a city that will require a few more visits to really suss out. Due to the impressive number of times this city has changed hands in its existence, much less the last century, it sort of feels like a city still finding its identity. It's obviously a place with good beer. It's clearly a place with abundant history and a bustling tourist trade. But what is at the soul of the city? I'm not sure. That's not to say it doesn't exist, but it's not something we've been able to understand in our limited time here.
yes I am.
We were in Prague three days this time around, and at one point in each of those days we found our way to BeerGeek. They serve excellent beer from all over the world, some of the staff are American expats, and they have some of the best damn wings I've ever had. Which could have been the result of a long day of walking the cobbled stones and my hunger, or is actually just truth. I'm not 100% certain, but I'd order them again in an instant.
the subways in Prague look like Daleks.
I can only assume that we will visit this gem a few more times and learn more.
Last thing... I accidentally locked my laptop in our AirBnB behind me as we were leaving for the train station to head to Munich. It was 6:30am and our hosts were not going to be around or available fast enough for it to matter. So we left it and I sent a text, hoping we could figure something out. I cannot sing the praises high enough of our AirBnB host who went the extra mile, grabbed my laptop, wrapped so it could survive a bomb blast, and then helped me through the process of shipping via DHL from the Czech Republic to Germany, all while I careened across the countryside using the internet on my phone to make it all work.
It arrived the next morning, intact and ready to write this post. Thank you again Arabela. Your kindness will not quickly be forgotten, and if anyone is ever looking for a place to stay in Prague, let me know. I have a place. Did I mention the penthouse view of the Prague Castle?