
Welcome to our travel-life-blog where we're going to post pictures of our food, our dog and our travels.

Holy Schnitzel

Holy Schnitzel

We arrived to Frankfurt the first time in late March of 2014. We dropped our things off at our hotel and decided to wander. We found a market (a theme you will soon realize). We drank some wine. There was an afternoon Liverpool match on and I wanted to find a place to watch it. I remembered wandering past a place with a Sky Sports banner/sconce/thing outside, so we wandered back that way, towards that beacon named Conrad's.

We sit down, we order beers (Binding and Schöfferhofer) and proceed to split, to this day, my favorite schnitzel I've eaten in Germany... and I've tried many. Specifically it was the Käseschnitzel in Gorgonzolasoße. You can take a look at their whole menu here, if you'd like. 

I'm not sure if it's the old rule of whichever you tried first you prefer, but I have ordered a schnitzel in Germany no less than 20 times since that fateful Spring day, and nothing has beat it.

So it's with this level of expectation that we returned to Conrad's in late March of 2017, this time with parents along. I tried not to over-sell it to the newcomers. Lacey wasted no time in re-ordering our favorite thing, whereas I ordered something different this time. One, because I really did want to try another style and see if it compared and two, because secretly I believed that there is no way this could live up to my overblown expectations. Although my new schnitzel was good. Excellent even. I was wrong. The Käseschnitzel did live up to expectations. It was fantastic.

I'm writing this post while laying down at our AirBnB in Prague (because my calves started cramping, because I'm an out of shape idiot, because I eat and drink too much), and I just got a little giddy... because I realized that we're flying out of Frankfurt in about a week, and I get one more schnitzel before flying to Colorado.


Ohrdruf, Germany

Ohrdruf, Germany

Búðir, Iceland

Búðir, Iceland