
Welcome to our travel-life-blog where we're going to post pictures of our food, our dog and our travels.



When I think traditional Nürnberg sausages, I think Bratwurstherzl. I'm sure that many travelers will point out better places to get them, or maybe something more traditional than a place on the corner of the Viktualienmarkt in München, but I love this place. Unabashedly.

You order the little sausages (pictured) like you would order wings in the States, 6, 8, 12, 20. They come out on a warm little sizzle pan in the shape of a heart (Herz in German, hence the name). And this is the place that first made me realize I had been very, very wrong about sauerkraut. It's delicious when made properly. They leave you a bread basket at your table, and you're on the honor system to tell them what you ate, which I also appreciate. 

The three times we've eaten here over the years, we somehow manage to sit the exact same table, next to the fire/grill where they make the sausages. Which I think sort of gets to the core of what I love so much about this place and its food. It's warm and cozy and speaks to some ancient memory, some human instinct to be inside, near a warm fire, spending time and eating with people that you love.

I <3 Wurst

Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle

Munich (München), Germany

Munich (München), Germany